Put the boats over….

The seiner Lucky Strike is getting ready to drop the speed boats. Trust me ,about right now there’s a lot going through your mind when your being lowered into the water  and the first thing is to get released and away from the seiner. This process looks simple but could in fact be extremely dangerous especially in rough weather. Thank You to Shane Airlie for the picture ,share your photos with us at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats


The Tuna Seiner Calypso was being built at San Diego Marine in 1972. I actually have never seen this photo before and I would like to thank my good friend Mike Ruckle for this photo and many others from his fathers collection , the Legendary Chief Tom Ruckle. Share your pictures with us at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats

Net Work…

 Looks like some net work going on at 10th avenue terminal. The Southern Pacific working on the cork line with the Royal Pacific in the background. Im guessing this is around the mid 1970s. Share your pictures with us at [email protected] and on Twitter @sdtunaboats


The seiner Nautilus working on its net at the Embarcadero with the Kerri M in the background. Nothing compares to working on the boat or the net at Embarcadero and getting a torpedo sandwich from Mona Lisa’s for lunch. Great memories share your pictures with us at [email protected] and on Twitter @sdtunaboats

Gene Cabral & Ed And Alvin Pereira …

My good friend Nick Cabral sends in a couple classic photos, of his grandfather Gene Cabral cutting the hair of Eddie Perreira and below are his two uncles Ed and Alvin Perreira showing off their new haircuts. A couple classic photos of some great old timers. share your photos at [email protected] and on twitter @sdtunaboats

Soleil Z..

The Soleil Z docked just south of 10th ave near the Bridge in San Diego Bay. This seiner was launched the Patrician back in 1981 by Burton Shipyard in Port Arthur Texas. Thank You to Abe Romero for the photo . Share your photos at [email protected] or @sdtunaboats on Twitter .

Passing Fuel …

Nice shot of the Sea Hawk and Legacy passing fuel and other supplies out at Sea, photo taken in Western Pacific in mid 80s by John Gibson. Share your photos with us at [email protected] or @sdtunaboats on twitter.