Sent in by his Grandson Wyatt Thank you … [email protected]
One of my many newspaper articles. This one from the Evening Tribune back on New Years Day 1976. Seemed like there was a photo in the paper weekly back in the 70s. Anyone out there have any newspaper clippings , I’d really love to see them . Please share with us at [email protected]
A little different photo but a great one. I’m thinking this was in 1988 . We have Top Wave and Cabrillo at Finger Piers . Venturous and Cheryl Marie at the Embarcadero . This was actually the end of the fleet in San Diego the Seiners at Finger piers were waiting be sold and those were a few of the last ones in Port that still fished out of San Diego at the Embarcadero. Please share your pictures with us at [email protected]
Little Nina..
Ok, my website, my list. Best little seiner around Antonina C, it was a yacht. [email protected]
Zolezzi …
We have two of the Zolezzi fleet tied up next to each other . Not sure where this photo was taken but you have the Jeannine and the Lone Wolf in this photo. Simply can’t talk about San Diego tuna industry without talking about the Zolezzi family. Owned multiple seiners and the famous Fuel dock next to Embarcadero and Finger Piers .
Ocean Pearl…
Ocean Pearl finishing up a set in the Western Pacific, hopefully it filled a well. Share your photos with us at [email protected]
Seiner Conquest on the hunt in the Western Pacific. One of Joe Madruga’s boats, Mr Madruga owned 14 seiners and I believe he had a total of 6 at one time truly a legend in the fleet . [email protected]
Sea Chase….
You want to talk about a seiner that just destroyed it, here you go Sea Chase seemed to always be coming in with a full load. Really would love more pictures of this rig and the rest of this company seiners. I think there was around five others King Oscar , Portobello , Marne K, Chiriqui 1 , Granada . Any help would be appreciated . [email protected]
This is such a great photo of the past. Madrugador looks to be empty after unloading at Van Camps down at 10th avenue terminal. Spent many days at that exact spot, Dole pineapple now has that spot . Thank You to the Texeira family for sharing this photo , share your photos with us at [email protected]
Brining it around…
What a nice shot of the skiff coming around with the seiner letting go. Appears to be a Campbells rig on a beautiful day for fishing. We need pictures please help. [email protected]