Reagan’s visit…

Kevin Madruga shared this photo with us . I believe this was when Ronald Reagan was President  but I could be wrong. He visited the seiners to show support of  the fleet. Maybe someone could help me out with the exact details, I do know I see my good friend in the background, Lionel Silva as a little kid, RIP Lionel . [email protected]


Old school seiner Starcrest tied up at Embarcadero next to Anthony’s Fish Grotto .I believe this photo was taken in the mid 1960s , good times unfortunately both are now gone. [email protected]

Marne K….

Beautiful picture of the Marne K looks to be on a sea trial off the coast. Something about the color of this seiners along with the Granada, Portobello  , Chiriqui I just loved. Someone out there must have pictures they can share of these seiners. [email protected]

Men Working….

This is a great photo for so many reasons, first, The Antonina C tied up at the dock, but also in this  photo men were mending nets the way it always was at the Embarcadero. Of course I cant help but notice the old cars and no parking meters on the street . Good times , share your memories at [email protected]