One of our loyal followers Dave Gerrard sends this one in . American Eagle in a set , classic Campbell seiner built in 1975 . Thanks for sharing Dave , send in your photos to [email protected]
Saratoga & Aquarius ….
This wonderful picture was taken at Broadway Pier in San Diego Bay. Saratoga and Aquarius tied next to each other. Im guessing its Christmas time with the whole fleet in . Please share your pictures at [email protected]
Tuna Seiner Aquarius tied up at B street Pier in San Diego . Built by Martinac Shipyard for the Dasilva Family in 1971. This seiner held a special place in my family with my Father and Uncle both spending time on board. [email protected]
Reagan’s visit…
Kevin Madruga shared this photo with us . I believe this was when Ronald Reagan was President but I could be wrong. He visited the seiners to show support of the fleet. Maybe someone could help me out with the exact details, I do know I see my good friend in the background, Lionel Silva as a little kid, RIP Lionel . [email protected]
Lets go way back with todays photo, legendary seiner Normandie . [email protected]
Tiuna ….
Seiner Tiuna anchored , great shot . [email protected]
Old school seiner Starcrest tied up at Embarcadero next to Anthony’s Fish Grotto .I believe this photo was taken in the mid 1960s , good times unfortunately both are now gone. [email protected]
Marne K….
Beautiful picture of the Marne K looks to be on a sea trial off the coast. Something about the color of this seiners along with the Granada, Portobello , Chiriqui I just loved. Someone out there must have pictures they can share of these seiners. [email protected]
Men Working….
This is a great photo for so many reasons, first, The Antonina C tied up at the dock, but also in this photo men were mending nets the way it always was at the Embarcadero. Of course I cant help but notice the old cars and no parking meters on the street . Good times , share your memories at [email protected]
San Diego Embarcadero with a few of the Gann’s tuna fleet tied up. A little flash back to the good old days in the history of San Diego. Share your photos at [email protected] …