If you followed my site for a while you know this boat means the world to me. My Father spent many years here as a navigator and I probably have the most memories on this seiner . Owned by Manuel Silva and built by San Diego Marine. [email protected]
Let her go…
Unknown seiner letting go, although I believe this is the John F Kennedy or the Pisces. Looks like a beautiful weather day, please share your pictures at [email protected]
Nair ….
Seiner Nair this seiner was launched the Chiriqui in San Diego way back in 1975. But honestly its been a top seiner in the Mexican fleet for years , Thank you to Jorges Fletes for sharing this photo.. Share your photo at [email protected]
Seiner Daniela looks to be heading for some repairs , launched the Conquistador in 1971 by Campbells Shipyard in San Diego . [email protected]
memorabilia ….
Jim Zeigler continues to be generous with his memorabilia ,sharing some of his personal stuff with us .. Thanks very much Jim , share your memories with us at [email protected]
Man Cave…
Jim Zeigler sends in some photos of his Man Cave . I must admit I’m jealous everyone should have their place to escape too. [email protected]
Magazine covers…
Our good friend Jim Zeigler shares some of his collection with us . Check out the dates on these covers of these magazines 1947 & 1949 just awesome . Thanks Jim anyone else want to share photos please send them to [email protected]
Amelia II
We have a old article on the boat Amelia II , very sad the fisherman’s lives were lost. I believe this was in Del Mar . Thank You to Jim Zeigler for sharing his old school articles . [email protected]
Ghost Ship…
What a great article I was sent by Jim Zeigler . Looks like 1944 wow , great stuff Jim. Share your memories at [email protected]
San Diego Bay…
This picture I know isn’t the greatest quality but I wanted to show two things that were a fixture in San Diego Bay in the the 70s and 80s . Tuna Seiners and Harbor Excursion. Please share your pictures with us at [email protected]