Mike Collette sends in this classic photo , standing along the shore in Kodiak Alaska in front of the Sea Legend, a processing seiner that worked in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea processing Salmon. This photo was taken in 1987. If you recognize the Sea Legend its because in its early days it was named The City of San Diego in its tuna Seiner days. Share your photos at [email protected]
Jeanette Diana…
Jeanette Diana in the shipyard in Cairns Australia in 1985. Great seiner which was lost way to early . [email protected]
Its been a while since we had an update from Nelson, New Zealand on the Koorale, I’m pretty much heartbroken looking at this photo. As you can clearly see the port side rail and pilot house is being completely rebuilt and I guess the good news is after a couple month stoppage due to COVID-19 the work has resumed . I can’t say Thank you enough to my Nelson connection Michael Burt for continuing to share photos with us. [email protected]
Sea Encounter speed boats…
Sea Encounter testing out a couple speed boats in Samoa before the next trip thank you to Manuel Virissimo for sharing this photo. Share your photos with us at [email protected]
Getting ready…
Unknown seiner getting into position to let go, definitely a Burton built seiner .Photo taken in early 80s in Western Pacific. Share your photos with us at [email protected]
This photo of the great little seiner Polaris is sent out to my good friend Ron Lewis. Ron actually fished with my father on the Polaris, just want you to know I’m thinking and praying for you my friend keep up the fight. [email protected]
Lone Wolf…
Seiner Lone Wolf docked in San Diego Bay at G street. Built by Burton Shipyard in Port Arthur , Texas in 1983. Lone Wolf was owned by the Zolezzi Family. Share your photos and stories with us at [email protected]
Sea Gem…
Seiner Sea Gem with its lucky seven dice. Built by Martinac in 1975, share your photos at [email protected]
Marla Marie Crew 1977…
Crew shot sent in by the ( DOG ) of Marla Marie 1977 . I’m told we have Pete Balistreri , John Balistreri, Tony Sardina , Steve Brunetto , Vito Giacalone, Nicky Bernardini , kneeling Bobby Morris , Charlie Storniolo , Tommy Asaro , Joe Vallee hope thats correct thats what I was told . Photo taken by Sal Corona [email protected]
Embarcadero net work…
Just another day in the 70s down at the Embarcadero. Some net work going on love the old school corks , if I were to take a shot I would say this could be the Cherly Marie or Diana C ? Just a guess . [email protected]