Gina Karen…..

Seiner Gina Karen is pulling away from dock heading out on another trip, always a tough time for families to watch the boat head out , and it wasn’t any easier watching your family  from the boat . Thank You to Frank Lococo for the picture . [email protected]


Kevin Madruga sends in this photo of the Normandie in the 1950s . Pictured in the skiff is Hallett Madruga and Joe Demelo holding the line on the right. Thank You as always Kevin . [email protected]

Brayan Swopes , Top Wave….

Top Wave Helicopter  Pilot Bryan Swopes holding up a nice tuna that he helped catch. Some of my most loyal followers are Helicopter Pilots . Thank You Bryan for all the recent pictures of the Top Wave. Any other Pilots out there with photos send them to us at [email protected]

Net Menders….

This newspaper article shows the seiner Mermaid working on the net at the Embarcadero in the 70s. This boat was owned by the Correia family. The Mermaid was a great seiner with some personal memories , my Father fished on this boat and he absolutely  loved his time aboard with all the Correia Family. [email protected]

Sea Encounter…

These are some GREAT photos taken recently of the Sea Encounter at Sea . Like to say hello to the Sea Encounters Chief Manuel Virissimo and say a big Thank You to Chief Eddie DaCosta for permission to post his  great photos . Eddie is Chief aboard the Capt. Vincent Gann . [email protected]

Conversation time….

This newspaper article dates back to August 26th 1975. The fleet was tied up in a protest over regulations . It looks to be a very peaceful conversation going on , off the stern of the Gina Anne , with the seiners Bold Contender and Pacific Queen tied up in background. If you follow my site you would know what a fan of the Bold Contender I was so if anyone has photos of this seiner please share. [email protected]