Looking for the spot from above Finisterre style. [email protected]
Leaving the Bay…
The Seiner Venturous is leaving San Diego Bay. I took this photo back in 1987, sadly one by one tuna seiner’s left this bay for the last time, very unfortunate. [email protected]
Sea quest …
In this photo The Seiner Sea Quest docked at G Street Pier next to the Fish Market Restaurant and in background the USS Ranger Aircraft Carrier. I’m guessing this photo was taken around 1983 or a little later. Send us photos to [email protected]
Back in Nelson New Zealand , progress continues on the Koorale . Again Thank You to Michael Burt for being our eyes down under, cheers Michael. [email protected]
Never Forget…
Carol Linda…
The Seiner Carol Linda tied up at Seaport Village dock. A lot has changed since this photo, seiners are gone and soon Seaport village will be also. [email protected]
Another classic picture from Kevin Madruga. Personalized Madrugador.
Evelina Da Rosa ….
Kevin Madruga send in these two beautiful photos of the Evelina Da Rosa . Thanks as always Kevin, [email protected]
Another great photo of San Diego Bay, so much has changed since this picture. On the right at Campbells Shipyard we have the Capt M.J Souza and the Isidoro Duarte both seiners built by Martinac and both were originally American flag seiners . MJ Souza is currently under New Zealand flag under the same name. The Isidoro Duarte was launched the Theresa Janene in 1974 and is under a Mexican flag now unfortunately it had a big fire aboard a few years ago. [email protected]
San Diego Bay…
This photo was taken from 10th Ave Terminal in the 70s . This is what San Diego Bay used to look like, Tuna Seiners and Naval Ships two of San Diego’s biggest industries . [email protected]