The Tuna Seiner Jaiwan Master being launched at Campbells Shipyard in San Diego in 1989. One of the last few seiners built in San Diego. A huge Thank You to Minwoo Hong for sharing another great photo and giving me permission to share with all of you . [email protected] and on Twitter @sdtunaboats
I posted this photo a few years back , a wonderful picture of the Westgate Boats courtesy of the Scafidi Family. I can remember as a little kid going down to these docks so many times in the early 70’s with my Father who spent a couple of trips aboard the Mary Barbara and the United States . I guess I was just reminiscing of the good old days again. Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats
Raffaello ….
The Raffaello’s helicopter coming down in the Western Pacific in 1989. I was told the Chopper had electrical failure and auto rotated down several hundred feet. The Raffaello was 10-12 miles away at the time , its safe to say this could have ended worse . Huge Thank You to Vaughan W for sharing these photos .. [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats
Shilla Challenger ….
The Tuna Seiner Shilla Challenger was one of the last few Tuna Boats built by Campbell’s Shipyard in San Diego. Launched in 1990 for Korea ,I believe it is still fishing today . [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats
Laura Ann…
The Tuna Seiner Laura Ann cruising , there is definitely not a lot of photos of this boat. Built by Matinac Shipyard 1979. This is one from Tom Ruckle’s collection . A huge Thank You to the Ruckle Family for letting me share these. [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats
The seiner Caribe at 10th avenue Terminal in the early 90’s . Thank You to Gil for sending this in for us .. [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats
J M Martinac …
The Seiner JM Martinac working on its net at Broadway Pier. By the look at the old red and white cork line I’m guessing this was in the late 60’s .. Share your photos with us at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats
Pacific Harvester …
What a way to start the New Year . I received this rare photo on New Years Day, it is of The Seiner Pacific Harvester, I must say there are not to a lot of photos of this Boat lying around out there . Share your pictures with us at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats
The Tuna Seiner Gemini docked in San Diego Bay way back in the early 70s. Built by Campbell’s Shipyard in 1971. Thank You to Debbie Beilstein for sharing this photo with me . Share your pictures at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats..
Picking up the skiff aboard The Conquest . This photo was taken in the Western Pacific in the early 1980’s . The Conquest was owned by the great Joe Madruga ,thank you to Mr. Martin for sharing this photo. Share your pictures at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats