
A nice shot of the Tuna Seiner Saratoga, brailing tuna aboard.  it looks like a beautiful day in The Eastern Pacific. Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats 

Bobby Silva…

Bobby Silva , longtime Chief in the fleet can use everyones prayers right now . Bobby is a great man, this is a photo of him and his  longtime friend , Eddie DaCosta.


This is a beautiful photo of The Seiner Patrician ,in a set in what looks like, ideal conditions. Built by Burton Shipyard in Port Arthur , Texas  in 1981. Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats

Royal Pacific…..

The Tuna Seiner Royal Pacific,  cruising in The Pacific in the 1970’s . This seiner was built by Martinac in 1973 and has been renamed the Koorale , Its a very special seiner to me,  due to its owner being a close friend of mine. Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats 

Mariner & Gann Discoverer……

This  is one of  my photos I took on a trip to 10th Avenue Terminal . The Seiners Mariner and The Gann Discoverer with The Azteca 2 in the background . I know The Mariner was originally the Constitution,  I believe The Gann Discoverer was originally The Claire P  . [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats 

South Pacific….

The Tuna Seiner South Pacific rolling its net  , with The Connie Jean docked in front. The South Pacific was the only seiner built by Martinac with an open hull look and a free standing mast . Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats