Andrea C…

Andrea C ,coming into San Diego Bay from a trial run in the 80s. Another one of my personal pictures i took. John Cerny navigator bringing the Andrea into port. Send in your pictures to [email protected]


One of my favorite looking designed seiners. Love the look of the San Diego Marine Seiners. Maybe because my father fished for years on the Proud Heritage. Launched in 1973 as the Theresa Ann this seiner has changed names a few times, I’m not sure its still the Osprey . Please send in your pictures to [email protected]

Marne K….

Another one of my Campbells collection. I really can’t say i remember seeing this seiner very much in San Diego, although it is a great looking seiner. Built in 1981 it has changed names a few times. Last name i had on it was the Granada. Please send in your pictures to [email protected] .

Sea Gem….

Great Shot of the Sea Gem, picture taken in  Western Pacific compliments of John Gibson. Sea Gem had a great bridge with the lucky seven dice on it. Owned by Medeiros Family. Please send in your pictures to [email protected]


One of my favorites the Portbello. Again from my Campbells collection, and its just ironic that its docked at Campbells in the shot. Portobello was definitely a top seiner in fleet . Im sure it had a few skippers but all i remember is Greg Chase. Send your pictures to [email protected]