
Aquarius, docked at G street in San Diego Bay. Appears to be another beautiful day to do some net work. Great boat Dad was there for a few years , great memories. [email protected]

5 Replies to “Aquarius….”

  1. Aquarius was fished out of Pago Pago in the latter 80's by Smoothie (Joe DeSilva). Joe Boston was the captain and so was "Raymondo", who was married to Smoothie's sister.

    Rick Ferraro

    1. Aqurius was a great seiner . Lots of family memories. Can you share some pictures .

  2. Jimmy I was fishing that summer Joe Silva was skipper was only 16 the crew pitched in my share.Then went into the army while in my grandfather Ralph Madruga passed I got out then uncle Joe said to me that he was going to sell his fleet to mexico and Japan if I wanted to fish I’d would have to go to Samoa with the Madrugador so all I have is loving story’s of my family no pic’s I did not go the western pacific.

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