Island Princess..

Shot of the Island Princess in Samoa , tied up next to a unknown seiner. I’m going to take a shot and say it may be the Legacy? Photo taken in early 80s. Thanks again to Clyde Williams for sending this shot in. [email protected]

One Reply to “Island Princess..”

  1. Hi Jimmy & It probably was, as all the code group basically filled up & came in around the same time. At the time, Jimmy Silva was the Master. Only way to tell is by the paint-job on the helo. When the IP called it a day & went bust, it lingered around the cannary docks for awhile, then it found itself at anchor way back in the bay of Pago Pago, for a couple of years. This mid-1980's bankrupt-mothballed fleet, consisted of the Mexican Conseco Alfa & Beta rigs, Conquistador, The I.P. & a half dozen or so, oriental Long Liners, one of which was partially sunk, from what I can remember.

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