Love this seiner, so many memories with my father on this boat. San Pedro trips ,to skipping school and filling needles to work on the net and all those great lunches with the guys (torpedo sandwiches) … Share your memories with us at [email protected]
Some of the seiners tied up in Samoa waiting to hit the Seas .. Share your memories with us at [email protected]
Captain Vincent Gann
Great shot at one of the last seiners made by Martinac . Capt Vincent Gann please share your pictures with us at [email protected]

Jeanette again…

Another shot of the Jeanette , share your photos with us at [email protected]

Still not over her loss …
Truly a very sad day for the Tuna Fleet. We lost a seiner yesterday , that simply put was the icon of the San Diego Tuna fleet the moment it was launched. And it was that way all the way to her end sitting in Samoa with a full load of fish. I rather remember her this way then the photos that are out now.
Pacific Princess…
Wonderful looking seiner Pacific Princess being built at Campbells shipyard in San Diego . One of the few seiners still active today. Share your pictures with us at [email protected]
Well if nobody wanted to help with pictures of the Mariner I will do it myself. This originally was the Mariner built in 1973 by Martinac shipyard. Now the Bernandino in this photo. Share your pictures with us at [email protected]
City Of Lisbon…
Seiner City Of Lisbon built by San Diego Marine in 1971. Later changed name to Mary Lucille . Please share your photos with us , we can’t do this without your help. [email protected]