
Seiner Polaris great little seiner which later had a name change to the Gina Marie. Built in 1970 it sank pretty early I want to say sometime in the late 70s unfortunately . Please share your photos with us at sdtunaboats@cox.net

MJ for sale…

Only posting this because it saddens me so much. Such a beautiful seiner in its San Diego days and owned by wonderful family. It was sold a few years ago to New Zealand company and appears to be up for sale again. The San Diego fleet is going away one by one and there’s not many left.. sdtunaboats@cox.net

Sea Encounter…

A recent shot of the Sea Encounter tied up in Samoa. By far the best stretch job ever done, and a great seiner. Owned by the Dasilva family back in  the San Diego days they also owned the classic seiner Aquarius . Great family, Great seiner.  sdtunaboats@cox.net

Sea Hawk….

Wonderful shot  of the Sea Hawk. Appears top be passing fuel at Sea.   Classic Campbells seiner built in 1976 send in your photos to sdtunaboats@cox.net

Carol Virginia

Seiner Carol Virginia built by San Diego Marine in 1972. Later had name changed to Bold Fleet , and Intrepido. Share your photos at sdtunaboats@cox.net

Way Back..

Way back shot of 10th Avenue Terminal and Campbells shipyard. This picture says a lot , No convention center no hotels. Naval ships at Campbells . I can see  its the great Little Nina on 10th ave. Im guessing this was early 80s . Share your photos with us . sdtunaboats@cox.net

Capt Joe Jorge…

Capt Joe Jorge rolling net, this seiner was built at Campbells in San Diego in 1972. Launched Elizabeth CJ , spent most of her time as the Maria CJ. sdtunaboats@cox.net

Eastern Pacific…

Damn this is a old Eastern Pacific, Built by Martinac way back in 1965. I actually believe the this old seiner may still be going but not totally sure. Im sure its unloaded a few times. sdtunaboats@cox.net

Rolling …

Thank you to Wyatt Uhlein for sending in this photo from his Family’s collection. I believe its the American Eagle but not sure.  Definitely a time when men were still men. Share your pictures at sdtunaboats@cox.net

Blue Pacific….

Don’t know nothing about this seiner, But I love the name and the picture. Send your photos to sdtunaboats@cox.net