Seiner Sea Encounter on the hunt. Still looking good and one of the last few American seiners going. [email protected]
Betty C & Daniela..
Betty C and Daniela docked in Pago Pago . This photo as taken a few years ago Betty C was originally the South Pacific in San Diego, it sank a few years ago. [email protected]
Mary Lucille ..
Sunset shot of the Mary Lucille , launched the City of Lisbon in 1971 by San Diego Marine. Share your memories at [email protected]
Here’s the progress on the Captain Vincent Gann still in the shipyard in Port Nelson New Zealand. Im afraid to see the total cost of this overhaul, I believe she’s been in port since before Christmas, Again huge Thank you to our great friend Michael Burt for keeping us updated and sending in this photo. can’t wait to see the finished project. [email protected]
One of my first pictures I took. Pops coming home on Aquarius after a beautiful trip I believe around 40 days in the early 80s. Great memories going to the dock to pick up Dad. Share your memories at [email protected]
Panama Canal..
Seiner going through the locks in the Panama Canal , back the day with Puerto Rico a huge part of the fleet it was a normal site to see a seiner in the locks. Im guessing its rare now. [email protected]
Mary Lucille…
Wonderful shot of the old Mary Lucille heading out on another trip. Launched the Lois Seaver these little seiners were a huge part of the fleet for many years. Share your memories at [email protected]
Sea Encounter…
Sea Encounter tied up at Embarcadero in the good old days. She looks almost new so I’m guessing this is around 1980. Mermaid doing some net repair docked behind , Sea Quest at fuel dock. [email protected]
Top Wave…
Launching of the Seiner Top Wave in November 1973. Campbells Shipyard was on fire around that time pumping out seiner after seiner. You can put the Top Wave with some of the rigs that always seemed to make good trips. Definitely made its share of trips in its time. Share your memories with us [email protected]