Caribe Tuna…

Seiner Caribe Tuna, I will try to give you names I believe this seiner use to be.  Launched Frontier by Martinac shipyard in 1978. Later names were Caribe Star , Odette Therese II, and now Caribe Tuna. I made a trip aboard this seiner in 1990 as Caribe Star.


Koorale tied up in Pago Pago. Love this style seiner, Built by  Martinac shipyard  launched Royal Pacific .

Nice spot…

Looks to be a nice day for the Sea Encounter. Fill a well start a well ..

Net work in Samoa…

Some serious net work being done in Samoa. With a bunch of seiners tied up on other side of Bay. Share your photos

American Boy…

This is goes out to the Old Timers.. American Boy absolutely know nothing about this rig except I love the name..

On the glasses…

Boys looking for the next spot aboard the Mermaid in the mid 70s . Looks to be beautiful weather .. Share your photos with us


Love this photo , loved this rig. Tradition I believe is headed into port in Samoa and she looks to have a full load aboard riding low .. share your photos at

Capt M. J Souza…

Well many memories of this seiner. You can change the flag and paint the mast black but it will always be the MJ Souza. This seiner absolutely was a top boat in the fleet for years.

From up above…

Shot from up above. Im taking a shot and calling this the Carolyn M ? Anyway its a nice rig. Share your pictures with us