Let her gooooo…

Seiner Caribe Tuna, I will try to give you names I believe this seiner use to be. Launched Frontier by Martinac shipyard in 1978. Later names were Caribe Star , Odette Therese II, and now Caribe Tuna. I made a trip aboard this seiner in 1990 as Caribe Star. sdtunaboats@cox.net
Koorale tied up in Pago Pago. Love this style seiner, Built by Martinac shipyard launched Royal Pacific . Sdtunaboats@cox.net
Looks to be a nice day for the Sea Encounter. Fill a well start a well .. sdtunaboats@cox.net
Some serious net work being done in Samoa. With a bunch of seiners tied up on other side of Bay. Share your photos sdtunaboats@cox.net
This is goes out to the Old Timers.. American Boy absolutely know nothing about this rig except I love the name.. sdtunaboats@cox.net
Boys looking for the next spot aboard the Mermaid in the mid 70s . Looks to be beautiful weather .. Share your photos with us sdtunaboats@cox.net
Love this photo , loved this rig. Tradition I believe is headed into port in Samoa and she looks to have a full load aboard riding low .. share your photos at sdtunaboats@cox.net
Well many memories of this seiner. You can change the flag and paint the mast black but it will always be the MJ Souza. This seiner absolutely was a top boat in the fleet for years. sdtunaboats@cox.net
Shot from up above. Im taking a shot and calling this the Carolyn M ? Anyway its a nice rig. Share your pictures with us sdtunaboats@cox.net