10th Avenue….

One of my many newspaper articles from the San Diego Union Tribune in the 70’s . I clearly remember this photo and the boats docked . From front to back J.M Martinac , Marco Polo, Madrugador, Proud Heritage , Sea Quest and Antonina C in the rear, the good old days . Share your memories on any of these seiners. [email protected]

Napoli Restaurante..

I would guess most fishermen eventually made a trip down below and went through Panama. If you did you know the name on this shirt and you ate dinner there at least once.  Thanks to John Cefalu for sharing this photo, [email protected]

Sea Encounter….

Recent photo of the Sea Encounter in Samoa. Great to see this long time seiner still flying an American Flag . Huge thanks to Chief Manuel Virissimo for sending this photo in . Please share your memories or photos with us at [email protected]

Nelson ,New Zealand…

First of all I’d  like to say Thank You to my good friend Michael Burt for sending this photo in from Nelson ,New Zealand. Two seiners with damage to the hulls due to collisions at Sea. These incidents were extremely dangerous, I know the Koorale is lucky to still be afloat . Share your photos or memories with us at [email protected]

Passing the Equador….

 Love this post, my good friend John Cefalu sharing this photo of  his dollar he received for passing the Equador for the first time with all his crew members signatures  . A clean shaved head comes with this for free also, part of fishing traditions. Share your photos and memories with us at [email protected]

Patricia Lee…

Patricia Lee, tuna seiner docked at San Diego Marine . I’m thinking this is 1974 when it was launched. This seiner later had a name change to Constellation in 1979, another one of my favorite style seiners. Share your memories with us at [email protected]


Well I always get request for old school seiners, it doesn’t  get more old school then the Bernadette tied up at the Embacadreo . Lots of history in that seiner. Share your photos or memories at [email protected]

Odette Therese II..

Odette Therese II, originally launched the Frontier in 1978 also named the Caribe Star which I made a trip aboard with the GREAT Joe Luz as skipper. Thank you for sending this one in .  Share your memories with us at [email protected] 

Diana- South Pacific…

Tuna seiner Diana coming out of shipyard in Samoa. Originally launched the South Pacific in 1974 by Martinac Shipyards. Diana had a few other names but I won’t list them all. Please share your photos with us at [email protected]