Wonderful times along the Embarcadero, Seiners Cabrillo , Nautilus , Mermaid tied up . One thing I Love about these photos is looking at the old cars parked. Share your photos with us at [email protected]
Carol Linda….
Seiner Carol Linda docked at Embarcadero in San Diego . Carol Linda later went to fish in Western Pacific and was stretched to add wells . Carol Linda has now been sold and is no longer under American flag. [email protected]
Calypso docked at Embarcadero , seiner Kerri M in background. Calypso built at San Diego Marine in 1972. [email protected]
Sea Gem….
Sea Gem docked at Van Camps on 10th avenue terminal finishing up unloading . Share your memories at [email protected]
Mary Lyn…
Seiner Mary Lyn, Ok I admit I have nothing on this seiner any help out there ? [email protected]
Mary Jo…
Seiner Mary jo , I still love looking at these old seiners they were the heart of the fleet. Share your photos at [email protected]
Gina Anne…
What a big bow on this seiner. you definitely didn’t get confused when you were looking at the Gina Anne you knew what seiner it was . And also the fastest seiner in the fleet. Share your photos with us at [email protected]
Sea Encounter…
Sea Encounter tied up to G Street Pier in san Diego. Beautiful seiner which is still fishing under American flag in Western Pacific . [email protected]
Diana C…
Diana C, tied up at the Embarcadero. Wonderful times watching the boats and fisherman working on their nets . [email protected]
Sea Wolf….
Seiner Sea Wolf tied up at the Embarcadero , this seiner wasn’t around very long with this name. Originally launched France Ann in 1971 by san Diego Marine shipyard. [email protected]