Jacqueline Marie…

Jacqueline Marie built by Tacoma Boats in the early 70s. These seiners seem to disappear in the mid 70s and reappeared in Western Pacific or at least it seemed that way . I believe this seiner changed names to Kali .  [email protected]

J.M Martinac…

Seiner JM Martinac built in early 80s. one of the last few seiners built by Martinac. It has since changed names but it was a beauty in her days, I believe it fished primarily in the Western Pacific. [email protected]

Dry dock…

A couple of seiners look to be having some work done. Kali is the  seiner in front with the Bold Fleet on Dry Dock . Not sure where this photo was taken, I’m guessing some port in the Western Pacific . Share your photos with us at [email protected]

Royal Pacific….

Royal Pacific, definitely one of my favorite style seiners. And by the way Ocean Fisheries also I really would love pictures from the OF seiners. The Royal Pacific is still fishing under new name Koorale one of the last American flag seiners. Share your pictures with us at [email protected]

Pan Pacific …

Some seiners I just don’t have a lot of photos of , Pan Pacific is one of those built by Campbells shipyard in San Diego . The Pan Pacific was slightly different only the American Queen also had the raised pilot house I liked the look but it must not ave been great once they added the helicopter. [email protected]


One of my favorite style seiners. Polaris was built in 1970 by Martinac and later changed name to Gina Marie unfortunately  it sanked not to long after that. This photo was sent in not sure where it was taken. [email protected]


One of Manuel Silva’s Fleet. The Tradition was built in 1980 by Martinac , later was sent to Western Pacific and sold. Changed name to Cape Elizabeth and unfortunulty I believe she caught fire and  sank a few years ago. Share your photos with us at [email protected]