San Diego Bay…

This picture I know isn’t the greatest quality but I wanted to show two things that were a fixture in San Diego Bay in the the 70s and 80s . Tuna Seiners and Harbor Excursion. Please share your pictures with us at [email protected]

Bold Producer…

Bold Producer built in 1975 by Martinac , its nice seeing the radars on the pilot house obviously prior to the choppers arriving in the fleet.

Danielle Lynn

Seiner Danielle Lynn Samoa. I received this photo last night from a anonymous person, I believe this seiner is owned by Larry DaRosa and the seiner was named after his wife Danielle not sure the previous name of seiner. Any info would be appreciated . [email protected]

Headed for the Rain…

I learned early from some veteran fisherman that if rain was in the area the school would head for it. Maybe a old wise tale but that what appears to be happening here, I’m just taking a shot and calling this seiner either the John F Kennedy or the Pisces. [email protected]