Sea Gem….

This is a beautiful photo of the seiner Sea Gem leaving port, headed for  The Western Pacific fishing grounds , built by Martinac in 1975. Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats 


A nice photo of  the Seiner Saratoga docked at The Broadway Pier back in the 70’s . Built by Martinac Shipyard in 1973, and unfortunately this  Seiner  sank  in 1986. Please share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats 

Top Wave…

The Tuna Seiner Top Wave on Dry Dock , built by Campbells Shipyard in 1973 ,it was always a Top boat in the Fleet. Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats 

Bold Adventuress….

The Seiner Bold Adventuress in a set, built by Martinac Shipyard in 1975. This is one of many photos I received from Ed Gann’s personal collection . Share your photo at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats 

Marco Polo….

This is a great photo of a wonderful seiner , The Marco Polo , built by Martinac Shipyard in 1971. This Seiner later changed its name to The Scorpio 1 .  Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter @sdtunaboats