
Chris Carey sends in todays photo of the Friesland , just down from Dry Dock in Lyttelton , NZ, Thank You Chris . Share your phots at [email protected] or on Twitter@sdtunaboats .
If anyone is interested in a Tunaville hat or T-shirts , Ron Machado received a new shipment . Contact Ron if you know him or myself and I will get you in touch with Ron. Share your phots at [email protected] or on Twitter@sdtunaboats .
Matt Mastrovalerio , sends in a couple of photos from his time aboard the Cheryl Marie , Thank you Matt. Share your phots at [email protected] or on Twitter@sdtunaboats .
The Tuna Seiner Friesland , recently pulled into the Shipyard in Lyttelton , New Zealand for repairs . Thank you Chris . Share your photos at [email protected] or on Twitter@sdtunaboats