Working together….

This shot has the chopper and speedboat working together too keep the spot in the net.. This is my name website we are the same site . We had to move from sdtunaboats over here to sandiegotunaboats due to some loser. Anyway tell your fiends. Continue to send in your photos to [email protected]

Old days again…..

Thank you to Mr. Jefferis, for sending in his Grandfathers photos. Days have really changed . Pretty awesome to see how things were before. Guess they were the good old days..  I NEED PICTURES.. [email protected]

Paul from Maryland…

Our Great friend Paul from Maryland sent us a few more.  Top two are the Renown anchored bottom shot is unknown seiner tied up at the wharf with the net on dock. god knows that wouldn’t be allowed now a days..  Thanks so much Paul couldn’t do this without guys like you. Just a shame theres not more guys like you.  [email protected]


This is the first Mermaid.. I was told it was on fire and sinking at Sea.  Which it appears to be. Thanks again to Mr Jefferis for all the great shots…Once I’m done with all of his photos looks like i will shut done for a while.

Boys playing..

Sometimes the men played, looks like there anchored and taking a swim…..

Here the boys have a beverage of choice…

Not sure here, but they are having fun….

Water skiing anyone ?