Andrea F, part 2

Another great shot of the Andrea F thanks again to Baird Tewksbury . Are there any other Bairds out there ? Please send your pictures to

Andrea F…

Andrea F, again a big shout out to Baird Tewksbury for another great picture. Please send your pictures to

Conseco Beta….

Thanks again to Baird Tewksbury for this rare shot of the Conseco Beta. Huge Thank You to Baird for helping us out again. Please send your pictures to

Tim Gillam …

Tim Gillam again has been very kind to share some more photos with us on his fishing memories . Tim fished from around 1973 to 1983 . And we thank him for sharing great photos and memories with us . Please send in your photos so we can continue the great history of the San Diego tuna Industry.

Capt M J Souza…

Great Shot of the Capt M.J Souza at the Embarcadero in the 70s. Huge Thanks again to Baird Tewksbury. Baird has shared some great shots with us and we appreciate it. Hopefully some others will be as kind.

Tim Gillam part 2, on top of Espirtu Santo Island.

 In 1989 a friend and I went to La Paz to pick up an sail boat destined for San Pedro.  On the way we stopped at Espiritu Santo Island to clean the bottom, one day for fun we hiked to the top of the island where I found this plaque place there by the crew of the Liberty Bell II in 1952.  Because the boat was out of San Pedro it may have been a seiner even at that time.  The Captains name was S. Carr. Other names are also legible. 

Tim Gillam..

Big Thanks to Tim Gillam, for sending in pictures of his career on tuna seiners. Pictures are of Tim on speedboat deck, Margaret L flying over there boat trying to get them off a log. Capt Vincent Gann . Again Thanks a ton to Tim for sharing. Please send your pictures to

In memory of Tony Pereira. (T.P)

I’m sorry to announce the passing of Tony Pereira. A man who dedicated 40 plus years to the Tuna Industry. Worked on a number of seiners, but spent a large amount of time aboard the Aquarius and Pisces as the fleets best skiff man. Honestly the man never took a trip off, he was the tuna fleets Cal Ripkin always on board. I will miss you Uncle Tony God Bless You .