This shot giving to us from John Gibson. Sea Hawk and the Legacy giving fuel at Sea. John was aboard the Legacy… Send your pictures to [email protected]
Summer time in San diego back in the good old days… With seiners docked at Embarcadero . Send in your pictures to [email protected]
Azteca 2…
Broadway Pier…
The Good old days. Antonina C , with the Cabrillo in front. Three Campbell’s rigs on the south side. Amazing days sad they are gone. Send in your pictures to [email protected]
Lautaro, This seiner was the South Seas in San Diego .Sent in by another one of our followers. Please send in your pictures to [email protected]
Great shot of the Tiuna taken from above. Taken by one of our great followers. Please send in your pictures. [email protected]
Bettie M..
Another great seiner that just wasn’t around long enough. Bettie M found a cruel ending when it ran aground in Oregon on its way to unload i believe. There really isn’t many photos of this rig around if any. Send your pictures of the fleet to [email protected]
Fishing life…
Great shot of a seiner in a set. And well the other heading away to look for another spot.. [email protected]
Cayude, on dry dock. This was the Cindy Ann in her San Diego days.. Send your pictures to [email protected] .
One from my fathers collection. I believe this is the Calypso my father was aboard the Proud Heritage when this was taken. I’m guessing 78 or 79. Send your photos to [email protected]