Sea Gem….

Great Shot of the Sea Gem, picture taken in  Western Pacific compliments of John Gibson. Sea Gem had a great bridge with the lucky seven dice on it. Owned by Medeiros Family. Please send in your pictures to [email protected]


One of my favorites the Portbello. Again from my Campbells collection, and its just ironic that its docked at Campbells in the shot. Portobello was definitely a top seiner in fleet . Im sure it had a few skippers but all i remember is Greg Chase. Send your pictures to [email protected]


Tunamar built by Campbells shipyard in 1981, I believe if I’m not mistaking this seiner is know the Tiuna . One of my Campbells pictures collection i received when the shipyard closed. Right place at the right time. Send in your pictures to [email protected]

King Oscar…

This is one of my Magazine photos i saved as a kid. Must have been in the late 70s, Still one of my favorite King Oscar rolling net . Seiner caught lots of fish i believe its still fishing under the name El Ray. Please send in your pictures to [email protected]


Love this shot of the Raffaello , I’m a sucker for the San Diego look or the original look from Martinac. I get times have changed but the seiners will never look the same. Raffaello really turned out to be a work horse caught tons of fish in its time. Thank you to Robert Silva for sending this shot in .  Send in your pictures to [email protected]