
Seiner Cayude on dry dock. Now under Venezuela flag in her San Diego Days this was the Cindy Ann. Built by Martinac in April 76. Please share your pictures with us at

Yap Seagull.

Yap Seagull, Or better known as the Proud Heritage. Most memories for me of any seiner. Loved this seiner many trips to San Pedro with the greatest man i ever knew my father. That was after we got out of San Diego Bay ,y dad use to call 12 noon or 1 pm on a Sunday the Martini Crew all the sailboats and pleasure craft especially in Summer time. Later on he would leave for San Pedro at 9am just to make it easier . Send in your pictures with your memories to


Tuna Seiner Lucille in san Diego bay. Not a common site for this seiner. She wasn’t up in San Diego too often. Built by Campbells in 1975 , please share your pictures send them to sdtunaboats

Seiner in set..

Great shot sent in by one of our anonymous followers . Appears to be the American Eagle in a set on a beautiful day . Please send in your pictures to


Big Thank you to our great follower Michael Burt for this recent photo of the Jeannine, once a huge part of the San Diego tuna fleet  . This picture taken in Port Nelson slipway – Port Nelson New Zealand. Thanks Again Michael. Send your pictures to


Ok im not going to tell you i know a lot about this rig, never really seen it in San Diego. Built at Campbells in 1974. Later renamed the Bold fleet and Yolanda L . Please send your pictures to

Sea Treasure..

Wanted to end the Year with one of my favorite seiners. Love the look and the name great seiner. That being said i wanted to ask for pictures one last time this year. Its incredibly tough to keep this going and search for pictures. Please help out if you don’t know how to get them to me email me we will figure out something. That being said hope everyone has a Happy New year and a safe one from sdtunaboats . Send pictures to

Broadway Pier..

This is another internet picture sent to me by a few guys. Wonderful shot of the legendary Antonina C , looks like the Cabrillo in front. On the South side we have 3 unknown Campbell seiners. Damn i miss those days .  Could always use help with pictures guys , send them in for the memories of our past fisherman.

Seiners anchored..

This is a old photo that a number of people have sent me. Im just going to take a shot and say they are the Jeanne Lou , Cindy Ann and the Rose Ann Marie , but thats just a guess. Looked to be anchored I’m guessing somewhere near Panama. Send in your pictures to

Stacie Antonette..

This shot sent in from our great follower Baird Tewksbury , Stacie Antonette at 10th Avenue Terminal in San Diego. Stacie wasn’t painted this color until late in its san Diego days. so I’m guessing this was in early 80s. Looking at the crows nest at Campbells in the background I’m guessing this are the Gina Anne and the Caribe in background. Huge thanks again to Baird. Send your pictures to