Ocean Pearl…

Another one from my Campbell’s collection. Great shot of the Ocean Pearl. Looks to be having a party aboard probably right after launching. Really need someone to help with pictures, so many of you say you will send them . Please i need your help. [email protected]

Sea Encounter..

One of my favorite pictures. Got this one from John Gibson Sea Encounter in Samoa. So many things great about this picture , before the boat was stretched and the island in the background . Send in your pictures to [email protected]

Jeanette Diana…

Great shot of the Jeanette Diana sent in by one of our great followers George Silva . This seiner unfortunately went away to early. Sinking in the middle of the night . Thank the lord the crew was rescued . Please send in your pictures to [email protected]

I need help..

Im asking for help guys, i can’t do this alone . So many of you who follow this page have pictures please send them in . Just trying to keep the memories of our great fleet going. Send pictures to [email protected]

Seiner in set..

Unknown Martinac seiner in set. Im guessing its the Jeannine , one thing i do know its a beautiful day . Please send in your pictures I’m running short i know its a busy time of the year, but i could use some help. [email protected]