Capt MJ Souza…

Capt MJ Souza in Samoa back in its American days . Recently sold to a New Zealand company and i believe it is know in process of being sold to a Portuguese company and possibly headed too fish in the Atlantic. Great family boat in the days owned by Mr and Mrs Frank Souza , had lots of great fisherman on this Rig. I want to personal thank Jimmy Santos Jr for sending in this wonderful photo. He’s Father was a huge part of this seiner for years among others. Please check your your house we know you got pictures send them in . [email protected]

Queen Mary…

Tuna seiner Queen Mary, classic boat in the fleet. Docked at B street with the Rose Ann Marie in the stern . Wonderful days , Please we really need your help with pictures just can’t go on without your help . Just contact us we will find a way to get the pictures scanned or anything you need . Help out thanks . [email protected]


Thought i would mix it up a little, Seiner unloading at Westgate bacon the day. Im guessing around mid 70s. Anyway thought it was different. I can really use some help with pictures , its really difficult to keep this going unless i get some help from time to time, if you have anything please send them in to [email protected]

Bold Adventuress..

Big thanks to our friend Baird Tewsbury for sending in yet another photo. This is the Bold Adventuress built in 1975 , part of the Gann’s fleet. Im just going to take a shot and say that this picture was taking in the late 70s. Please send in your pictures we really need help keeping these memories alive. [email protected]

South Pacific…

Tuna seiner South Pacific, i guess you can say it was a one of a kind design. This was the only Martinac built seiner with a open hull and a free standing mast. Built in 1974 the next seiner was the Jeannine which went on to have the normal design for Martinac . Come on i know you have pictures its ok send them in to [email protected]

Jeanne Lou…

Another great shot sent to us by one of our loyal followers. Seiner Jeanne Lou you want to talk about rigs that caught fish, you can put this seiner on the list. Send your pictures to [email protected]


Seiner Cabrillo. I got this sent to me and to me its a unique photo, because the rig is blue. Most of your pictures of the Cabrillo will be with a white hull, oh yeah and it eventually had bunny rabbit ears on top of the crows nest. Made it very easy to differentiate from the other martinac rigs its style . Send me your pictures to [email protected]


Lets go to Samoa. This great shot compliments of our great friend John Gibson. Im going to guess around 1985 if i remember right , but either way nice shot. Tradition among other rigs , wish i had more of the Samoa days ? Anyone ? Send your pictures to [email protected]