Claire P.

Claire P, Not the greatest picture but damn loved this boat. I wish I had more shots of her. I remember being a teenager hanging out at Shelter Island near Bali Hai, and watching her leave around 10pm one night heading to Samoa. Claire P at that time would turn around and unload in San Diego . Had its Jet ranger chopper all covered up looked great. My cousin was on it so i knew it was leaving . Seemed like yesterday unfortunulty it was probably 35 years ago. Damn how time flies . Send in your pictures or videos to [email protected]


Surfing Frances Ann style. What a incredible photo of the guys inside the cage of the skiff catching the white wash from the stern of the seiner. Definitely a unique picture not sure i would have tried that . Send in your pictures to [email protected]

Joe Biff…

Well this is a classic. If you tuna fished out of San Diego at one point or another you went to unload in San Pedro. If you did you went to Joe Biffs . Send in your memories to [email protected]


Picture says a thousand words. This is the Deolinda and it don’t look like fun. Thanks to our loyal follower Derek for sending us this one. Send your shots to [email protected]

Panama Canal..

Well if you Tuna Fished , I’m guessing at one point you went through the Canal on the way to Puerto Rico . Im sure this picture is familiar . Definitely glad i had the opportunity to se it . Send your pictures to [email protected]