Samoa ..

Anyone ever wonder where the fleet went after San Diego , this is a picture of Samoa most likely in the late 80s. Unfortunalty Samoa has slowly went away also and now just a handful of American tuna boats remain . Please share your photos with us at [email protected]


Seiner Friesland in Port Nelson,  New Zealand in 2016. Huge Thank You to one my my greatest followers and contributors Michael Burt for this great photo. Cheers Michael , send your memories of the fleet to [email protected]


Well when the fleet left San Diego they scattered . But most of them originally ended up in Mexico and Venezuela , sad days. Send your photos to [email protected]

Antonina C.

Lets keep the art work going, Just a fabulous painting of the AC. honestly the best looking best maintained rig in the fleet . I was sent this by a anonymous follower I was told the artist was Anthony Tarantino ? So i will go with that awesome job. Send in your memories of the fleet to [email protected]

Gina Anne..

A couple more Gina Anne shots sent in from our great friend Sal Camarda . Classic black boom of the rig in bottom picture. Please share your pictures with us . [email protected]


Seiner Legacy pulling into Samoa in 1997. Built by Martinac in March 1982 , Legacy has a new name now, the Cape May . Share your pictures with us at [email protected]