Thank you to the Medina Family for sharing this photo of the Kerri M. One of the fastest seiners in the fleet. Please share your memories and photos with us . Help us keep the fleet alive . [email protected]
Tradition docked at Broadway pier in San Diego Bay. Owned by Manuel silva along with Proud Heritage and Sea Quest later also added the Legacy. Send in your photos to [email protected]
Aquarius coming into San Diego Bay in late 70s with a full load. One of my first pictures i took. Pops was aboard as Navigator. As i have said before love the Martinac style rigs. Share your pictures with us at [email protected]
Seiner Calypso unloading . Built by San Diego Marine in 1973. Personally love that style of seiner. Please share your photos with us at [email protected]
Broadway Pier …
Unknown seiner docked at Broadway Pier, Those were the days tourist use to walk the pier , the good old days. Send your photos to [email protected]
American Queen…
Seiner American Queen, one of two Campbell seiners with the raised bridge . Another seiner i wish i had more pictures of . Please share your favorite seiner photos with us at [email protected]
Capt. A.R. Virissimo
Honestly a truly rare shot for me. My only shot of the Capt A. R . Virissimo . Wish I had more can anyone help ? I believe this was originally the South Seas one of the Gann’s Fleet. Help me out with a photo of the A R , or any seiner please send to [email protected]
Elizabeth C.J.
Seiner Elizabeth C.J being built at Campbells in San Diego, Huge thank you to Abe Romero for sharing his collection of pictures with us . If you would like to share photos with us just send them to [email protected]
Seiner Jeanette still fishing in the Western Pacific. Originally the Elizabeth C.J built by Campbells industry . Share your pictures with us at [email protected]
San Diego seiners…
I believe this shot was taken in Venezuela , showing a bunch of ex San Diego Seiners. Most of the fleet ended in Venezuela and Mexico originally. Sad photo for me to look at. Send in your pictures to [email protected]