6 Replies to “Cruising the Pacific…”

  1. I remember the Gemini from my old Toro Bravo dayzz, But I better remember it as the Island Princess, when Zolezzi managed her for the Van Camps cannery in Pago in the early 80's & she was part of our code group, ran by Jimmy (rip) Silva. After a couple of years that marriage split & the Island Princess bounced around from dock to dock, then the anchorage in the back of Pago's bay. About 1985 was the last time I ever saw that Campbell rig again.

  2. I have home movies of the Gemini being launched. My parents were friends of the Zlotoffs! I can probably do a screen shot of the ceremony from the home movies but would not know how to post a photo here.

  3. Thank you! Believe it or not, I just saw your reply almost a year later! I will send you a screenshot.

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