
In Memory Of 
James P. Lira Sr.
June 28, 1937 – March 21, 2017

This week my father James Lira Sr. passed away at his home in San Diego Ca. Born in Lowell Massachusetts in 1937. At 8 years old he came out to San Diego with his mother on vacation. She said this is “God’s Country” and with that young James and his mother made the decision to stay. Eventually one by one the rest of the family would venture out west and they would all be reunited.

After graduating from Point Loma High in 1955, he like most young men in the area, went tuna fishing. He loved the sea. He worked his way up to Captain and Navigator aboard many well known vessels, Proud Heritage, Polaris, Aquarius, American Eagle, Mermaid, Antonina C, United States and many more. The times with his brother Rollie on his boat the Mary Lucille were special times for him. My memories as a young boy hanging out with my dad on the boats and all the action that was going on will be forever cherished by me.

My father was also a devoted husband to my mother Zita and to his children and a wonderful loving grandfather to his many grandchildren. Affectionately known as Papa to all of us. He always lead by example, and taught me numerous life lessons of what it takes to become a man. To be the provider for your family and always give them unconditional love just like he did. Though you’re not physically here with us I know in my heart you are looking down on us from heaven. I am proud to be your son and honored to be able to carry on to my children what I have learned from you.

I love you Dad, and I carry you wherever I go. 

El Rey…

El Rey, I have this down as built in July 73 as the King Oscar. Later changed to El Rey under Columbia Flag. Great looking Campbell’s built seiner. Send your favorite pictures to [email protected]