4 wide….

Looks to be at least 4 wide here in Samoa. Sea Gem and the Odette Therese among others ..  sdtunaboats@cox.net

Antonina C.

Its been a while since i posted the best looking boat in the fleet, so here’s another shot of the beautiful Antonina C.

Capt Frank Medina..

Capt Frank Medina tied up at the Embarcadero in the early 80s. Antonina C behind and Top Wave at finger Piers.If you have any pictures to share i would love to post.sdtunaboats@cox.net


Saratoga tripled docked with Brenda Jolene on outside .Not exactly sure where this was taking, i don’t think the Saratoga ever made it to Samoa. Just a guess maybe Panama. Any guess Tom? sdtunaboats.com


Mermaid , working on net at the Embarcadero . Owner Frank Correia. sdtunaboats@cox.net


Don’t know a whole lot on the Apollo, but it sure was a different look.. Help me out Tom.. sdtunaboats.com


Nice shot of the Venturous with Jet Ranger Helicopter. My first trip fishing was on this boat. I believe it sank off Panama in the early 90s.. sdtunaboats.com.


Kooorale, letting go on a spot of school fish. This was the old Royal Pacific. And to this day remains a very productive seiner. Owner Fermin and Anthony Fereira ..sdtunaboats@cox.net