Old School Seiners…

This is one of my favorite photos. My Uncle took this of the Seiners , City of San Diego and the Cape Cod in the early 1970’s. Share your photos at [email protected] on X @sdtunaboats also on Instagram @sandiegotunaboats

Elizabeth C.J …

The beautiful Tuna Seiner Elizabeth C.J, built by Campbells Shipyard in 1975. In my opinion the most iconic Seiner in the Fleet . Share your photos at [email protected] or on X @sdtunaboats also on Instagram @sandiegotunaboats

Azteca 7….

A beautiful picture of the Seiner Azteca 7, originally the Capt M.J. Souza. Thank you to Jorge Fletes for the photo. Share your photos at [email protected] or on X @sdtunaboats also on Instagram @sandiegotunaboats

Azteca 2…

This is a beautiful photo of The Seiner Azteca 2, on Dry Dock. Built by Martinac Shipyard in 1980. This Seiner frequently visited San Diego in 80’s . Thank you to Jorge Fletes for the photo. Share your photos at [email protected] or on X @sdtunaboats also on Instagram @sandiegotunaboats